Membership at Sunrise

Learn about how we view our church family.
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What does it mean to be a member of Sunrise Church?

At Sunrise Church we do not use the term “church membership.”  While “member” is a biblical word, it also has cultural connotations that we hope to avoid. One can be a member of a golf club, gym, or political party but have no real commitment or action flowing from their membership in that organization. 

We think a better way to describe church membership is with two biblical words; Covenant Partners. Both words reveal important biblical concepts.  “Covenant” describes the relationship between God and his people, which was initiated and fulfilled by God himself. But covenant also evokes human response and action. God established a covenant relationship with his people that has stipulations. God’s covenant with his people has a call to obedience and to worship the Lord alone. “Partnership” describes the life of action and relationship that typifies a Christian’s call and identity. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians (1:5) he writes, “… because of your partnership in the gospel.” This letter, to simple and normal church folks, is a commission to join the apostle in a life and identity rooted in making disciples for Jesus. Thus, Covenant Partnership is a commitment that we make to God and one another. Covenant Partners commit themselves to identifying with Christ and his Church and joining God in what he is doing to bring redemption to our world.

How do I become a member of Sunrise Church?

There are a number of ways to become a Covenant Partner, depending on your unique situation. The best option is to speak to a pastor to determine what path to Covenant Partnership is ideal for you.