Service at Sunrise

Using our talents and gifts to glorify God!
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At Sunrise Church we believe that Christians are called to serve God out of a heart of gratitude for what he has done for us in the work of Jesus on the cross. We also believe that God has invited Christians to participate with him in what he is doing to redeem our community, culture and world. We believe that a Christian’s service is our expression of love toward God and an expectation for every maturing Christian. As a result, at Sunrise Church we encourage one another to get involved in ministry in a variety of ways, inside the church and out in the community.

The following organizations are groups with whom our members have partnered in order to serve and encourage one another to love God and our neighbor.

Partnering with Providence Living a life of participation and purpose!

Sunrise Congregational Care

Sunrise Church takes seriously the Biblical mandate to live in community and care for one another’s needs. Those needs may be spiritual, social, physical, financial or emotional. We have a very active corps of deacons and assistant deacons. Our Deacons oversee all of our issues of stewardship and benevolence. Our Assistant Deacons lead ministries that are targeting service toward:

  • Our Senior members
  • Financial needs of our members Congregational Care Fund
  • Community Outreach Community Care Fund
  • Work Teams serving inside our family and in our community

Local Missions:


 Love Inc.

Love Inc. strives to fill the gap by connecting people in need with local churches and other service agencies. Mobilizing local churches to transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ.

Vine Medical

Vine Medical is a non-profit community health clinic specializing in pregnancy confirmation, decision making and referral providing free services for both women and men.  

Young Life

Young Life is a Christian ministry that reaches out to middle school, high school and college students in the United States and more than a 100 countries around the world.  Their mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Chrit and help them grow in their faith.

The Mission

Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission (The Mission) is a non-profit 501(c)3 Christian organization founded in 2004 by a small group of individuals who saw a need for emergency shelter in Yamhill County. The heart and mission of Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission is to provide food, shelter, and hope through the love of Jesus Christ.

Global Missions: 

ITEM: International Theological Education Ministries

ITEM is a global ministry that recruits volunteer instructors from the U.S., Canada, and Australia to travel and train indigenous pastors in solid, biblical theology. ITEM currently serves approximately 2000 pastors and ministerial students annually from over 17 nations in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

Goodsam International

Sunrise Church supports Goodsam International. Goodsam International is a ministry committed to spreading the Gospel of Christ through its medical, educational, community health and development and other Christian services in Tamil Nadu State, India.

Kenya Kids

Helps to provide food, clothing, housing, and educational needs to approximately 30 orphan children in Utubora village, near Kisii, Kenya.


The Karen Leadership Development Program is a loving community located in the outskirts of Chiang Mai, Thailand dedicated to equipping future generations of the Karen people.

ERSU: Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine – Elder Yuri Boyko

ERSU’s mission is to serve and strengthen the Reformed & Presbyterian churches and others in Ukraine and surrounding countries, that they may grow to the glory of God and the extension of his Kingdom. We do this by training up pastors and other leaders for service in these churches, basing our teaching on the Word of God, as understood in the historic Reformed confessions.

Destiny Rescue

Exists to rescue kids from human trafficking and sexual exploitation and help them stay free.

MAF: Mission Aviation Fellowship

MAF people and airplanes serve in the rugged, difficult places of the world that others can’t reach, or choose not to. From the jungles of Africa to the rivers of Borneo, MAF transports Bible translators, doctors, aid workers, the sick and injured, and local evangelists called to take God’s love to their own people.