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Bill Wilton
Deacon Dwight Polivka
Duane Driver
Dwight Polivka
Elder Dwight Polivka
Elder Randy McCreith
Josh VanTil
Pastor Bill Wil
Pastor Bill Wilton
Pastor John
Pastor John Schepel
Pastor Josh Van Til
Pastor Josh VanTil
Pastor Paul
Pastor Paul Yang
Pastor Randy McCreith
Pastor Shawn Magoon
Pastor Shawn Magoonb
Pastor William Wilton
Pator Paul Yang
Paul Yang
Randy McCreith
Rev. John Smith
Reverend Alister Torrens
Reverend Shawn
Reverend Shawn Magoon
Reverend Thomas Valencia
Shawn Magoon
Thomas Valencia
A Just God in an Unjust World
A Righteous God in an Unrighteous Age
Acts 2:42-47
Acts in Advent
Advent 2024
Advent characters
Advent Signposts
Advent worship
Basics of Belief: Allowing the Gospel to shape our mind
Biblical Vision for the Church
Biblical Vision of the Church
Book of Isaiah
Character of God
Christian Worldview
Culture Chaos and and the Gospel of Christ
Culture Chaos and the Gospel of Christ
Doctrines of Faith
Easter Message
Exodus in Advent
Exodus: the Gospel in the Old Testament
Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
From Exodus to Advent
Fruit of The Spirit
Galatians-Gospel of Grace
Godliness vs Grace
Good News Partners in the Gospel
Gospel in the Old Testament
Harsh Words of Grace
Holy Week
Isaiah--Peaceable Kingdom
Isaiah's Peaceable Kingdom
Jesus Befriends the Broken and Unbelieving
Jesus in the Scriptures
Jesus' Last Words
Kingdom Characteristics
Last Seven Sayings of Jesus
Living the Ethos of the Logos in a Pathos World
Living the Ethos of the Logos in the Pathos world
Luke's Parables
Meeting Jesus
Of Promise & Proximity
Of Promise and Proximity
Of Proximity & Promise
Old Solas for a New Century
One Another
Our Vision
Post Easter Sundays
Post Resurrection
Post Resurrection Toopics
Preaching Christ in the Psalms
Psalms of Summer
Renewing the Church
Rewing the Church
Romans--Gospel of Grace
Romans-Gospel of Grace
seeing Jesus
Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament
Sermon on the Mount
Seven Woes
Signposts of Salvation
Signposts to a Savior
Snapshots of Salvation
Summer in Psalms
The 7 I AM statements
The Glory of God
The Gospel in the Old Testament
The Great Commission
The Lord's Prayer
The Seven I AM statements
Waging Wisdom
Waging Wisdon
Watching Jesus in the rearview mirror
What Jesus Left Behind
Who Gets to determine sin and salvation?
Who is Christ?
Why We Worship
"the best life"
5 Principles of Relationship
7 positions on Covid Masks
7 Woes to the Pharisees
a blest life is better
a click download icon to hear
A human heart problem-Sin
a little faith in Who He is
A Memorial
A promise
a promise of coming
a relationship
a rule that guides us
A Savior is needed
a shepherd's voice
A Sign
a sign and a seal
a stone of refuge
a stumbling block
abide in Jesus
abides with us
Abiding in Christ
abiding in the vine and He abiding in us
Abomination or delight
About the Kingdom of God
above all pursue love & edification
Abraham changed by God
Abraham righteous because he believed
accept person not their sin
accept the person and mourn their sin
Acceptance of being found by God
acknowledge a common foundation
addressing one another with psalms
Adjectives for the Word
affect and effected by the Resurrection
affect without effort
agapao love
agree with God
agree with God even when it's hard
align with God's heart
Alive to His people
All are broken
All authority flows from God
all created in His image
all different
all equally valued
All for One
all have sinned so that He can have mercy on all thru Jesus
All men were covered in sin
all messed up
all offered mercy
all pursue love & edification
all the same
all things work together for good
all used individually by God
an exhortation
An Intercessor
apostacy cycle
Apostles' Teaching
Apostolic fellowship
Appearing to the least and the lost
as a community of grace
As children of Light
ascribe all to the glory pf God
Ascribe to God His Glory
at John's death the people panic
at the cross
Atonement for the sins of His people
attitudes blocking obedience
Author of salvation
avoid false teachers
baptism identifies all with Jesus
basis for judging
Basis of Unity
Be compassionate about other's positions so that people come to know Jesus
Be compassionate about others' beliefs
be content and honor God whatever your situation
be convinced in your mind that it is unto the LORD
be convinced in your own mind
be faithful in prayer
be faithful to God
be on fire for Christ
Be other centered
be salt and light
be saved
Be shrewd--look ahead
Be very strong to keep and do
Be very strong to keep and do God's law
Bear one another's burdens
Bearing fruit
beatitudes outcomes
Become a community of grace
Become righteous thru faith
becoming fearless
becoming known to Christ
Being a New Creation
being a signpost
Being Called and Following in Faith
Being Called and Loved by God
Being Called and Loved in Faith
being enticed
Being Faithful
being living sacrifices
being made righteous by God himself
Being stuck in sin
being transformed not conformed
being unworthy of the Lords Supper
Beliefing in the Resurrection
Believe in order to understand
Believe it
believe obedience to God brings good
Believe that God is able
Believe the promises of God
Believers have eternal life
believing and trusting in God
Believing brings eternal Life
Believing in the Truth
Believing--the work God gives us to do
Beneficial Affect of the Word
betrothal problem
Bible overview
Bible-story of God redeeming
Biblical Christianity
Biblical Theology
Biblical vision
biblically defined grace
biblically defined truth
biblically lived grace
biblically lived truth
blessed as a child of God
blessed--chosen for God's blessing
blessing misunderstood
Blessings balance burdens
blest--God faithfuly with you
Boast in the Power of God
Boasting in the Cross of Christ
Bodily Resurrection
Body after resurrection
born again
Bring nothing of worldly value
Bringing about His glory
Broken choices reveal His grace
Build up one another
by grace alone
by knowing God you can be known by Him
By Law or Faith?
by the power of the Holy Spirit
call on Jesus
Call to Repentance
called by your name
called to be a messenger
capable of hating God
Carrying God's Name
challenges for gospel witness
Chaos into order
Character of God
character of grace
check yourself before you wreck yourself
Children of the Promise
choose the Christ-Cross honoring identity
Chosen receivers of the Good News
Christ & Christ Crucified
Christ alone
Christ alone is Lord over the church
Christ Crucified focus
Christ First
Christ is the Bread--be hungry daily
Christ is the substance of worship
Christ our Partner
Christ provides the pure wedding document
Christ provides the pure wedding garment
Christ the king
Christ the Lord of Life
Christ unites
Christ's righteousness
Christian Worldview
Christians grafted in
Christians not superior
church discipline
church IN Christ
church participation
Church shaped by grace
church unity
circumcision of the heart
clean heart comes from the work of God within a person
clean hearts come from the work of God within the person
Come and see and follow
Come by invitation of the Master
Come empty handed and open hearted
Coming to be a Savior
Commands of God versus Traditions of man
Community of Faith
community of grace
Comparison kills
confess your sins to one another
confidence before the throne
Confidence in Christ
Confidence in God
confidence--this day
confident faith
confirming the gospel
consequences intended to teach
considering one another
Consummation of Scripture
context of proclamation
correspondence to the 10 commandments
cost of the pearl
covenant commitment
covenant faithfulness
covetousness is idolatry
Covid 19
Creation displays God's character
Creation's language is universal
Crucified with Christ
culture in chaos
Curse of the Law followers
Death of Jesus
death reigns
deception and self-deception
deep character
defeat of Satan and sin and death
defending the gospel
defining the gospel
defining who we are
Deity of Christ
delight in Him
delight in Him first
delivered for the glory of God
delivered from all three
Delivering the people to victory
demonstrate trust and hope
Depend on God Alone
dependence on The King
depending on God
Desire to know the rescuing LORD
desiring the Lord more than loving our sin
Destination after death
destitute before God are the poor in Spirit
destitute have the kingdom of God
destroy temple and in 3 days it is raised
die to self
disbelief to belief to submission
Dismantling a nativity image
disobedience leads to failure
distortion of faith
diversity of function in unity
divided by the cross
divine judgment deserved
divine power
Divine reset button
division based on preferences
Do I sin?
Do not rely on ability
Do you believe?
doctrine source
Does NOT save
Don't be fooled by human distractions or enfeebled by false worship
don't rely on your own power
draw near to God and He will draw near to you
drawing near
Dual--Spiritual and Physical
Each tool used for the Master plan
efforts vs trusting
Either God rules you or Money rules you
Elect have salvation
elevating grace over performance
Empty your self
Encourage one another
End drowsiness
endure a servants hardship
endure trial & trust God
eternal perspective
even in dark shadows Jesus is the light
Everyone did what was right in their own eyes
excell in edification of others
exercise your gifts
Exhortating one another
exhortation to wash in His blood
expand the heavenly colony on earth
expect persecution
experience grace
external measures of faith
facts of our adoption
faith as relying on God only
faith does not save us--focus does
faith evidenced in complaint
faith focus
faith in Jesus Christ
Faith remembers
Faith remembers and invests and grows
faith--the power of God's working
faith's founder
faithful & obedient
Faithful judgment
Faithfulness has advantages
Faithfulness of God
false accusation denied
Fathful Redeemer
fear as surrender
Fear hides and forgets and looses
Fear of God the Father has been absorbed by the love of God the Son
Fear of the LORD
Fellowship of Jesus Christ
Fight for God's Purposes
Fight for God's Righteousness
Fillers of prophesy
Filling earth
final judgment
finding fault with God
Finding Peace with God
First do no harm
flee from idolitry
flesh/Spirit dichotomy
Focus How good He is
focus on the outward flesh
Focus What He does
follow the Master
For the building up of His body
For the health and growth of His church
forever faithtul in each other
forgiveness enabled thru love
Forming earth
Found a sheep
Found coin
Four role of angels
free indeed
freed by Jesus
freed children from sin
Freedom to Love your neighbor
freedom vs dependance
Friendship's Source
From guilt to grace
Fulfillers of prophesy
fulfillment of prophecy
Full knowledge required
full redemption
Full Righteousness of God
fully God
fully man
fully merciful God
geneology of Jesus
gentle restoration
Gentle Shepherd
Getting rid of the love of sin
gift giving
Gift of God by Grace
Gifts pointing to purpose
Gifts revealing purpose
gifts rooted in the full nature of the trinity
Glorified Christ
Glorifying God in Your Work
Glory of God
Glory of God in creation
Glory of God in creation and renewal
Glory of the Lord
glory to God
Glory to God only
Go and Sin No More
go-sell-give-have nothing-follow Me
goal is clear communication
God alone is LORD
God brings people to Christ
God centered living
God changes people
God chooses the time and way and people
God Created Rulers
God Delivers
God enables people for the worship to which he calls them
God established rulers
God faithful to His people
God focus
God fulfills his promises
God getting the work done
God gives life & existance
God goes ahead
God goes with us
God going before
God grants justice
God hardens those who have hardened themselves
God hates injustice
God initiated loving and giving
God initiates worship
God is a loving God
God is a wise God especially in his timing
God is at work
God is creator; Job is creation
God is faithful
God is faithful on His time table and terms
God is powerful
God is sovereign
God keeps his promises
God like rejoice over saved
God listens to prayer
God loans us money
God loves all--even our enemies
God made us alive
God persists
God preserves a remnant by grace
God pursues-persuades-is faithful
God redeems our bad choices
God renews His call
God resides in the sinner's heart
God seeks to protect
God seeks to protect and bless
God speaks
God uses all experiences for good
God wants to give us His heart
God who works and is trusted
God will not forget his people
God will through Christ bring to completion the final salvation of his people despite Satan's opposition
God wills submission
God with Joseph
God-faithful to warnings
God's authority
God's Character
God's children
God's compassion for lost people
God's desire for relationship
God's dwelling place with His people
God's faithfulnwss
God's forgiveness is unconditional
God's Grace
God's grace in Christ Jesus
God's grace is faithful
God's grace thru faith
God's grace-the means of salvation
God's harmony
God's inheritance
God's Justice and Love
God's Love
God's mercy and grace
God's perfect selfless action
God's permissive will or perfect will
God's power
God's preferred future
God's Providence
God's Redemptive Plan
God's rescue
God's sending of justice
God's solution is a child
God's Sovereignity
God's sovereignty
God's will in your life
God's commands versus man's traditions
God's Faithfulness
God's justice
God's law reflects his character
God's mercy
God's power goes before us
God's power is made perfect in our weakenss
God's power is made perfect in weakness
God's Powerful Presence
God's Powerful Promise
God's Powerful Promise and Word and Presence
God's Powerful Ptp and Word and Presence
God's Powerful Word
God's redemption central to worship
Godlessness of times
Godly influence of people
Good News
good news to the lowly
good vs bad shepherd
Good Word
good works
gospel centered counter cultural love
Gospel is the Salvation of Man
gospel proclaimed so that there would be fellowship among God and Christians
grace and gratitude
grace arresting Paul
grace changing Paul
Grace covers needs plus one
grace for all by all
grace for the broken
Grace for these plus immersion in the Spirit
grace in community
Grace only thru Jesus
grace yoking Paul with Jesus
Grace&Compassion Needed
gracious Owner
gratitude turned to greed
great commission
Great High Priest
greeting servants and saints
growing in faith
growth by grace
growth for God's glory
growth in faith
guard this inheritance
guarded heart
Guiding Gratitude
Guiding theme of this letter
hallowed be Thy name
Hanging out with women and children
Hard hearted
have The Servants heart
have true faith
He brings me back when I am lost
He brings out all His own
He chose His sheep
He defeats the enemies of His people
He determines who belongs to Him
He gave a comapssionate powerful response
He gave a compassionate powerful response
He gives an inheritance to His people
He is God and I am not
He is near
He keeps His promises to His people
He knows who belongs to Him
He must become greater
hearing the message
heart for God
heaven is the presence of God
Hebrew History
Heidelberg catechism Day 1-2
Heidelburg on why to pray
Held by Christ
help in unbelief
Herod's insecurity revealed
Hiding Sin
His defense of the needy
His kindness is meant for repentance
His love is the source and motivation of our love
His righteousness & justice
His rule over the nations
His will to be done in humble submission
Hoard things for self or be rich toward God
hold fast
holding fast
Holiness of God
Holy is the Lord
Holy is the Lord who was and is and is to come
Holy Justice
Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit enabled
Holy Spirit enables understanding
Holy Spirit enables unity
Holy Spirit's power
Holy Spirit's work
Holy Spirit's help and intercession
Holy Spirits help and intercession
honor fellow servants
Hope for humanity
hope in His word
hope in the LORD
Hope thru Christ
hopeful for unsaved sinners
How does God reign over it?
How does this affect how we pray?
How God has loved us
How has He revealed himself?
how law relates to wisdom
how many will be saved
How people are saved
How we are included in His work
human effort
Human fear
Human fear control and habits lead us to idolitry
human inclination to hate
human nature
human responsibility
humble walk
humility about our salvation
hunger and thirst for righteousness
I AM the name of God
I can do it?
I do not do what I want to do
I must become less
Identifying who we are in Christ
identity in each other
if you are against anyone-you are against Jesus
if you believe then you have Life
immaturity revealed
immutable God
Importance of Faith
impossible to know God by wisdom or strength
imprisoned for His purpose
in His power and for His glory
in one spirit with His
in remembrance and for strength
in spirit and truth
In the midst of such differnces how can we show grace?
Incline your hearts
includes both the affections of the heart and obedience to His word
Including the doxology
increase of peace
individual gifts come from and by and for the Spirit
individualism is the challenge
inheriting is like grace
Inn or Guest Room
inprisoned by sin
Intentional God
Invitation of the Master
Invite the Lord to give you the Holy Spirit
inward motives
Is anything more important?
Israel a family
Israel a nation
It is Jesus who calls
It is Jesus who invites
Jesus as Judge
Jesus came for everyone but to the sinners first
Jesus came in our normal life
Jesus Christ
Jesus has done it all
Jesus heart
Jesus in the Old Testament
Jesus intercedes
Jesus is emotional
Jesus is the only way to the Father
Jesus is the righteous judge
Jesus is truth incarnate
Jesus keeps looking
Jesus lays down His life for His sheep
Jesus meeting us where we are
Jesus Our Host
Jesus Our Shepherd
Jesus redeems
Jesus Resurrection
Jesus reveals Himself to her
Jesus sees value
Jesus the Davidic King
Jesus the Judge
Jesus' Authority
Jesus' care for his mother
Jesus' confidence in John's love
Jesus' creation of his church
Jesus' humility
Jesus' obedience
Jesus' prayer for us
Jesus' promise to the thief
Jesus' Identity
Job's repentance like our salvation
Joining wisdom's banquet or eating in secret
Jonah preaches a simple message
Jonah's Deliverance
Jonah's Despair
Jonahs identity needed to change
Joseph's redemptive story
journey to Jerusalem
Judah will fight for God's people
Judge not
judge not measure of faith
judge not strenght
judge not those God has welcomed
Judged according to our works
Judged according to works-motives
judgment and redemption
Judgment in faithfulness
just and compassionate
Justification by faith
Justification by faith alone
Keep His commands in your heart
keep in step with the Spirit
keep your body as His
keeping relationship with God simple
Keeping the Faith
Kindness and Severity of God
King and High Priest
kingdom before comfort
Kingdom of God
kingdom of God now
kingship of God
know about God and yourself
know God as revealed in scripture
Know God revealed in Scripture
Know it
Know you cannot do this on your own
Knowing Our Brokenness
knowing the Father and Jesus
knowing the mind and heart of God thru Jesus
Knowledge of the Holy One
Known to eachother
Lamb of God
Lamb sacrifice that saves
law and grace
Law reveals where we sin
law written on the heart
Lazarus(God helps)
Learn first
learn from history
less self and more His strength
less self and more relying on God
let love be genuine
let relationships be shaped by grace
Life Principles
Life reigns
Life's Many Loves
lifted up Jesus draws all men
Light will shine in darkness
Lion of Judah
listen and pray and live
Listen to Him
live by the Holy Spirits power
live for the glory of God
Live it
Live to the Glory of God
Living for Christ
living in Jesus
living sacrifice
living water
Lord of your heart
Lord's position in our lives
Lost -Found - Rejoice
Lost a coin
Lost a sheep
Lost coin
Lost son
love and anger
Love builds up-Pride puffs up
Love God
Love one another
loving God and others
major theme of the Bible
Make Every Effort to enter the narrow door
make every effort to enter thru the narrow door
Make friends for yourself who will meet Christ thru you spending
making Christ known
making fears less weighty
Making the Faithless Faithful
Man's Responsibility
mankind divided by the cross
many made righteous by grace
marriage and sexual integrity
Matthew 18 verse 15
Mature spiritually in Him thru His provision
maturely think about the gifts
Mediator needed
meeting us where we are
Messiah enters
Messianic Mercy
Mighty God
mindful walk
mirror that reveals us
model Christ
Model of Unity
more than conquerors
mourners recieve forgivenes and the Holy Spirit
mourning for sin and sinners
mourning receive forgiveness and the Holy Spirit
Mutual upbuilding
My failure
my worst accomplishes His best
Names of Jesus
Names of the Word of God
nature & character of God
nature & character of humanity
Need for a Savior
Needing a better prophet priest king
Needs: To hear from God Deliverance Cleansing
new commandment
New Heaven & New Earth
New song
Nineveh responds in repentance
No condemnation
No Heirarchy in Christ
No one is without sin
No plus anything
non-scriptural bases
not about a place
not about a place but a person
not about choosing
Not about our efforts but about His grace
Not by works of a man or his circumcision
Not by works or circumcision
not emotional response
Not I
not ignorant but Biblically informed
not knowing how to pray
not man's performance--His
not merely personal but congregational
not our performance--His
not praising out of feelings
not rationalism but relational
not self-righteousness
not subjectivism but Spirit generated
Nothing more
obedience and faith
obedience vs happiness
objects of mercy for the purpose of His Glory
obligation flows from victory
obliterating barriers
observing the law
obstacles to being a missionary community
Omnipotent in forgiveness and creating
Omnipresent holding fast
Omniscient personally
on what do we base judgment?
one flock
One for all and all for One
one true hero--Jesus
ongoing struggles go on
Only God's Spirit empowers God's Word to give Life
opportunity of time and space
Orderly worship
Other sheep will be called and listen
Our culture distorts our emotions
our faith is in Jesus alone
our Father gives grace of forgiveness
our Father's forgiveness should flow thru us
Our Hope thru Christ
Our identity is in the Risen Jesus Christ
our only hope is faith in the blood of Jesus
our participation is believing and trusting
our relationships are to be shaped by grace
Our Savior
our sin cannot dilute His love and grace
Our Sin Repented
Our weakness
outward appearances
overcome evil with good
paid in full
parables as mirrors
Participants in Re-creation
path to righteousness
Paul used to win others
Paul's Identity
Paul's Name
Peace will guard your hearts
People of God together
Performance Based Religion
Performance Based Religion is empty worhsip
Perplexed and marveling witnesses
Pharisee's accusation
Philosophy of the world divides
physical agony
physical thirst
Picture of Heavenly Worship
Points to the need for Christ
Power of God
Power of God and the Power of the Scriptures to transform
Power of God Going Before
Power of Resurrection
power of the gospel
power of the Holy Spiriit in us
Power of the whole gospel
Praiseworthy God
Praising out of knowledge of God
pray for one another
pray for peace
Pray for those in authority
Prayer and Faith stand together
prayer only possible in Christ
prayful not prideful
preach the Gospel to ourselves
precious acquisition
Pregnant problem
Preparing for Grace
preparing for the coming of Christ
Presence of God
presenting your body
press on to maturity
Prince of Peace
Process of Sin
Proclaiming God's Glory
proclaiming justice
Proclamation the Messianic Mercy of Jesus
progressive sanctification
Promise Keeper
Promise of the death and resurrection of Christ
promised coming
promises of God
prone to wander
proper conduct
proper judgment
prophetic last days
protect the church purity
proverbs not a promise
provoking belief
pure heart
Purpose in life
Purpose of Unity
Put away false gods
Put off darkenss
Put on armor of light
Put to death things of earth
rebelious living
Recognize your gift and use it
redemptive nature of God
reflections on the death of Jesus
reflections on the statement
Reflects God's heart
Reformation Sunday
Regulated by generosity
Regulated by gentleness
Reign and Rule of God
rejection leads to wickedness
rejoice if Christ is preached
relationships are built or destroyed by words
Religious Freedom
relying on God for the solution
remember the warning
Remember what the LORD Has Done
remember what the LORD Has Done for you
remember you have been saved
remembering & unitied
remind one another of God's power and promises
repent from not being fruitful
Repent from wasting
Repentance is a gift of God's love
replacing the old covenant with the new
Representing "all the people"
request made to Jesus
Request more Spirit
Restoration of each other gently
restore in gentleness
Restraining Evil
Restrains evil
Results of Sin
Resurrection brings Hope
Retribution Logic
Reveals sin
review meek
review mourners
review poor in spirit
riding on a colt
Righteiousness required
righteous by faith in Jesus
Righteousness by faith
Righteousness by faith alone
Righteousness has been given thru Christ
Righteousness in Jesus alone
Righteousness is from God by Faith
righteousness not possible thru our works
Roles of Angels
Roman women's progressive movement
Rooted in God's faithful bringing of life
run to God
Sacrifice for salvation
sacrifice that saves
said before saying "It is finished"
said to fulfill scripture
Salvation is a limited offer
Salvation is from God
salvation over sin
salvation thru grace alone
salvation work completed in Christ
Sanctification and Healing of Us
Sanctification by God
Sanctification thru our participation
Satan like dispise saved and think self is superior
Saved by Christ
Saved by grace
Saved in Christ
saving righteousness
Scripture alone
Scripture fulfilled
Scripture meditation
scripture's uses
Scriptures alone
Scriptures explained about Jesus
Scriptures were explained
seeing Jesus in Judges
Seeing the LORD
Seek God
Seek God's Justice
Seek God's justice and Righteousness
seek safety in God himself
Seek the mind and heart of Christ
Seek/trust God's wisdom
Sent for spiritual and human needs
Sermon on the Mount
Serve the LORD
serving the master
set on a colt
settle disputes within the church
seven reasons for delay
shallow righteousness
Shaped by Jesus Christ
shaped by those who surround us
Shared blessings and thinking
sharing in Christ's suffering
Shepherds receive the message
Shepherds signposts telling the news
Shepherds tell the news
Shepherds tell the news becoming signposts
Shepherds-signposts declaring the news
show humility
showing mercy
shrinking fears
Sickle harvest of grain and grapes
Sign of a swaddled baby in a manger
sign that points to Jesus
Signposts in the Old Testament
Signs in our Culture
Silence promotes learning
Sin leads to death
Sin needs Salvation
sin of fear or uncertainty
Sin's gravity
sincere heart adoration face to face
sincere heart respect face to face
sinful can be made righteous by grace
sinful nature crucified with Christ
Sinfulness of man
sing praise and glory
singleness is a gift
Sinners saved
skepticism vs believing
So let Him love you
so that God's grace can be lived out in his people
So that the world may know
So that they know Jesus was sent from the Father
sola deo gloria
Some Adjectives for the Word
Some Beneficial Affects of the Word
some remain damned
someone is sent
someone sent
Son of Man
Song of 144000
sound doctrine
Sound Teaching is the Word
Source of Friedship
source of salvation
Sources of unbelief
sovereign deliverance
Sovereign God
Sovereign Grace of God
sovereign Lord
Speaking gratitude and encouragement in Christ
Sphere of Sovereignty
Spirit and truth
spirit led worship is rooted in Christ
Spirit let worship is rooted in Christ
Spirit of God
Spirits power
spiritual gifts are for edification
Spiritual Nourishment
Spiritual Sons
Spiritual War
spur one another to love and good deeds
stand fast in faith
stand fast in God's promises
stand fast in promises of God
stand firm in the true gospel of grace
Stand in unity
steadfast enduring love
Steadfast Love
Stepping forward in faith
Stepping out in faith
still we sin
storms in our life
straight thinking
strength in personal suffering
strengthened by Christ
strong & courageous
struggle is normal
struggling with limits
stumbling blocks
stump slowly growing a grand narative
Submission to authority is submission to God
Submit to His ways
suffering patiently
Sufficiency of Scripture
surpassing worth of knowing Christ
Symptoms of unbelief
taking thoughts captive
Taking us to serve also
Taking wisdom gives a better life
Teachable heart
temptation can lead to the evil one
testing Israel
That the church may do likewise
That the church may follow
That the church may follow Jesus
That the nations might see and praise the mercy of the Lord
the agent
The Altar
the ark of the covenant
The Bible is perfect and profitable and practical
The Bible is profitable
the Bible: truth and life
The Bread of Life satisfies all hunger
the church
the confirmation
the Cross
the Everlasting Father
The Father draws believers
The Fear of the Lord
The Fear of the Lord--Holy Awe
the fruit of the Master
the Glory
The Good News
The Good Shepherd
The gospel does away with the us-them dicotomy
The Gospel of Christ
the gravity of sin
the Holy Spirit enables understanding
the hope
the hour has come
the intruders
the Life--Christ living thru me
the light
the meek rely on the power of God
The message
The one who determines how is the one being worshipped
The Oneness of His attributes
The only Source of spiritual Life
The path to beauty is thru darkness
The people of God
the people remembered the LORD
the power of the cross
The Prophet
The reign of the Lamb
the salt
the sovereignty of God
The stones cry out
the Truth--His words are his Fathers
the Way--the means of salvation
The ways are logic or passion or credibility
the whole Bible is about Jesus
the winnowing and the good news
The witness of one
The Word does the work
The Word of God
The Word Pointing to Christ
the world takes notice of our love for one another
There was no king
Therefor grow in the knowledge of God
They recognize His voice and follow Him
they remembered
Third son is God's Son
Those who follow Christ will walk in the light not in darkness
Threat of corruption within
Threats from the outside
Three angels speek
Throne of Grace
through faith
Through humility
Through the Cross
Thru Good Friendship
Thru Good Friendship Healed
thru Jesus Christ Our Lord there is no condemnation
Thru Jesus Christ our Lord there is now no condemnation
Thus be wholly faithful to follow the LORD
Time to feast on Christ and fast from sin
to be done in humble submission
To know God is to glorify Him forever
tolerance of sin not acceptable
total depravity
transformation by grace
transforming us to serve
Transforms the us-them attitude for the grace and glory of God
Transforms the us-them attitude for the grace and glory of Gof
True witness
True worship
true worship is always a response to the Word of God
trust and obey
Trust God
trust God and listen
Trust God's Wisdom
Trust in the Lord
trust in the Word of God for worship not unscriptural traditions
trusted and obeyed the messenger
Trusted with freedom?Yes
trusting blindly
Trusting in Crisis
truth believed
truth delivering faith
truth delivers faith
truth heard
truth preached
turn to Christ to rid of fear
turning away from self assertion
Turning shame to blessing
unconditional love
Unexpected believed thru the Spirit
Untimate Judgment Day
victory by Jesus makes God our ally
victory has been accomplished
victory in universal suffering
Victory makes God our allie
victory not anguish
Victory over death
victory over sin
Victory over sin&death&hell
victory over the devil
Viewing Death as Precious
Viewing Death as Precious to God
wage silently & lovingly & graciously
wailing to all
Waiting for the Restoration
Waiting for the Second Coming
Walk by Faith
Walk in Freedon
walk in gratitude
walk in the light
walk in the Spirit
walk worthy by grace
walking with the Spirit
warning foolish
warning in mercy
Watch that you do not become proud
We are called to Be and to Do
we are righteous by faith
we are saved
we are saved into a relationship with Jesus
we are still broken
we are still broken humans
We are the church
we are used in his mission
we call on Jesus
we call on Jesus and are saved
we do not do what we want to do
we grow in a new relationship
we have a new reality
we lack wisdom
we need to ask God for wisdom
we need to pray
we need to pray knowing God delights and gives to all
we need to pray without doubting
we put our faith in Jesus alone
we receive salvation
we run from God
We serve the LORD
we struggle and we walk with Christ
welcome differences
welcome one another
Welcome the empty handed and open hearted
welcome those weak in faith
welcome those who are different
well being to responders
well-being for responders
What can be done about sin?
what Christ did by the Cross
What does worship look like?
what God does for us
What His purpose was
What I want to do I do not do
What is fear? What is faith?
What is it about
What is salvation?
What is service?
What is service? Other-aimed actions
What is sin?
What is the kingdom?
What is this fruit?
what Jesus desires regarding worship
What Jesus has done for us
What Jesus's purpose was
What kind of Messiah is desired
What kind of relationship with God
What the LORD determines
what we want to do we do not do
when enticed do not consent
Where is it from
where is your reversal needed
where love is found
Where your treasure is your heart will be
Who are believers?
Who Christ is
who compels
who do you trust
who is God and who are we
Who is it from
Who is it sent to
Who is like God?
Who is saved and how
Who is this God?
who will attend
who will be invited
whole as temple
Whose church
Why has He revealed himself?
Why rules?
Will you be a light?
Will you come?
Will you glorify Him?
wisdom better than knowledge
Wisdom gives Confidence in God
Wisdom is not righteousness
Wisdom leads to Justice
Wisdom leads to Justice/Righteousness/and Prosperity
Wisdom prepares while Folly sits
Witnesses to the Resurrection
Wonderful Counselor
Word conceived in heart
words matter
words mirror the heart
Work is a witness
Work of the spiritual members
working on sanctification in community
Works or Faith
works vs heart
worship & witness
worship as discovering
Worship demands submission to God's instructions and principals
Worship in confidence of the promise fulfilled
Worship in confidence of the promise fulfilledd
worship includes both the affections of the heart and obedience to His Word
worship reveals who God is and who we are
worship that God accepts is from a heart which He has changed and cleansed by faith in His sinless Son
Worshipers of the King--are you?
Worthy is the Lamb
Yahweh saves
Yet Christ is faithful
Yet Christ walks with us
Yet God's grace is sufficient
You are a Signpost
you as fool
1 Thessalonians
2 Corinthians
1 Corinthians
2 Timothy
2 Thessalonians
Acts 3
Acts 17
Acts 13
Acts 7
Psalm 2
Acts 15
Acts 2
Revelation 5
Romans 11
Matthew 26-27
John 2
John 21
Acts 1
Psalm 1
John 1
Mark 15
Philippians 2
Revelations 21
1 Peter
Ephesians 4
1 John
Exodus 3
John 8
Ephesians 1
Romans 8
Exodus 16
Romans 12
Exodus 14
Numbers 7
Hebrews 9
Exodus 30
Psalm 141
Exodus 40
Hebrews 1
John 1:29
Exodus 12:23
Luke 1
Psalm 80
John 10
Hebrews 10
Hebrews 12
John 17
Romans 7
Genesis 6
Mark 10
Matthew 21-23
Matthew 23
Micah 6:8
Psalm 51
1 Corinthians 2
1 Kings
1 John 4
Isaiah 11
Luke 1 and 4
John 15
Romans 5
Matthew 28
Genesis 1-3
Revelation 21
Luke 19:41-44
Rev. 21:22-27
John 4:23-25
John 3:16-17
1 Peter 2:9-10
Acts 14
Acts 10
1 Timothy
Genesis 50
Jeremiah 29
Acts 22
Isaiah 54
Luke 1:76-79
John 20
Isaiah 25:6-9
Isaiah 43:1-3
John 20:30-31
1 Corinthians 6
1 Chronicles 17
1 John 4:7-12
1 Kings 4
1 Colossians 9-12
Deuteronomy 6:7
Isaiah 61
Luke 4
Matthew 13:44-45
Colossians 1:15-17
Judges 17-18
James 1
Psalm 46
Matthew 13
Revelation 2 and 22
John 10:10-11
Luke 6:45
2 Thesolonians
Proverbs 28:6 and 10:9
Proverbs 20:7 and 19:1
Luke 6:31
Romans 8:1
James 3
Matthew 5
Luke 7
Romans 5:8
2 Timothy 3:10-17
2 Timothy 3
Hebrews 4:11-16
Colossians 3:15-17
1 Corinthians 10:31
Isaiah 1
Isaiah 40
Isaiah 60
John 3:16-18
Isaiah 8:13-14
Romans 5 and 8
Hebrews 11 and 12
Joshua 5
Romans 1: 18-21
Revelation 19:11
Numbers 22
Deuteronomy 21
Luke 19
Galatians 3
Hebrews 5
Deuteronomy 27
Romans 8:28
Psalm 19
Psalm 84
Deuteronomy 20:10
Matthew 26
Luke 22
Joshua 13
1 Peter 1:3-7
Numbers 14
Genesis 49
Isaiah 58:2
James 1:20
Matthew 5:13-16
Deuteronomy 17
Timothy 1
Colossians 1
John 1:1-18
Colossians 1:15-20
Revelation 1:9-20
Romans 3
Luke 18
Luke 6
Matthew 22
Zachariah 3
Revelation 19
Romans 7 and 8
Isaiah 53
Mark 7
Romans 13 and 14
2 Peter
Galatians 5
Galatians 1
2 Corinthians 5
Luke 23
John 3 and 5
Genesis 15
Genesis 12
2 Kings
Isaiah 6
Revelations 12
Psalm 91
Daniel 6
Micah 4
Micah 4 and 5
Micah 4:8
Psalm 45
John 19
2 Samuel 17
John 14
Mark 10:45
Psalm 44
Revelation 3
Luke 13:1-9
Revelation 3:20
Luke 15
Zechariah 9:9
Habakkuk 2:11
Psalm 22
John 13:33-35
John 13:34-35
John 20:31
Psalm 55
John 3
Matthew 7
Romans 8:28-39
Isaiah 64
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Isaiah 57:2
1 Kings 18
1 Kings 18 and 19
Acts 6
1 Timothy 2
1 John 2
Isaiah 59
Isaiah 27
Acts 4
2 Samuel 9:1
Exodus 19:5
2 Timothy 3:12
Psalm 97:10
Proverbs 6
1 Thessolonians 5:21
1 Thessalonians 5:21
Hebrews 2:11-12
Galations 2:20
Exodus 3 to 10
Exodus 20 and 31
Acts 12
John 7
Isaiah 9
Luke 2:18-20
Philippians 3
Exodus 19
Psalm 14
Proverbs 2
Psalm 23
Numbers 27
Isaiah 52
Psalm 118
John 12:12-19
Psalm 73
Romans 6:23
Ephesians 2:1-3
1Corinthians 13
Matthew 7:23
Isaiah 22
Jeremiah 18
Psalm 50
Psalm 34: 17-18
Proverb 3:5-6
Jeremiah 17:9
1 Corinthians 6 & 10
2 Corinthians 5& 10
Ephesians 3:20-21
1 John 1:5-10
1 Timothy 6
Romans 8:17
Luke 16
Ephesians 5
Jeremiah 31
Psalm 119:34
Matthew 5-7
Isaiah 53:7
Numbers 6:22-24
John 14 &16
Hebrews 3
Romans 4
Exodus 34
Psalm 78
James 1:17
Psalm 145
Philippians 4:19
Acts 17:28
1 Chroniclesn14
James 4:2
Romans 8:32
John 14:9
James 15
2 Samuel
1 Corinthians 10
1 Chronicles 29:10-11
2 Timothy 4:18
Luke 1:5-25
Acts 16
chapter 4:34 and 5:36
John 17:4
Hebrews 2
Isaiah 65:17-25
Genesis 3
Ezekiel 8
Revelation 20
Ephesians 2 and 6
Revelation 20-21
Romans 4:16-17
Genesis 11-12
Joshua 24:1-3
Philippians 4:12-13
James 5:13
Galatians 2:20
Hebrew 12:2
Judges 4
Judges 5
Elijah 3:28
The Great Commission
August 27, 2017
Bible Text: Matthew 28:18-20 | Preacher: Dwight Polivka
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